Hello Quarto
BioC 2022
mine çetinkaya-rundel
Julia Stewart Lowndes, Phd
Artwork by Allison Horst
Quarto unifies and extends
the R Markdown ecosystem
Quarto unifies and extends
the R Markdown ecosystem
unifies for people who love R Markdown
extends for people who don’t know R Markdown
slido.com / #quarto
Quarto is a new, open-source,
scientific and technical
publishing system
Quarto is a new, open-source,
scientific and technical
publishing system
the goal is to make the process of creating
and collaborating dramatically better
Consistent implementation of attractive and handy features across outputs: tabsets, code-folding, syntax highlighting, etc.
More accessible defaults as well as better support for accessibility
Guardrails, particularly helpful for new learners: YAML completion, informative syntax errors, etc.
Support for other languages like Python, Julia, Observable, and more via Jupyter engine for executable code chunks.
Tooling that makes it easy to share what you do
with the world on the web is incredibly useful
It’s useful not just to you, but to the world
as it facilitates open sharing of knowledge
for learning and for reuse
Many scientists
use Python
slido.com / #quarto
- section: in-development/index.qmd
- in-development/earthdata-access-demo.ipynb
- in-development/nsidc/icesat2-cmr-onprem-vs-cloud.ipynb
- in-development/lpdaac/lpdaac_ecostress_lste_kerchunk.ipynb
- in-development/matlab-aws.qmd
- in-development/earthdata-python-r-handoff.rmd
- section: contributing/onboarding.qmd
- contributing/quarto-website-tutorial.md
Art Historical
Holland Stam
Art History +
Visual and Media Studies
Class of 2022
Duke University
Art Historical
Holland Stam
Art History +
Visual and Media Studies
Class of 2022
Duke University
with Sara Lemus
Because of Openscapes, I have renewed hope in how we can bring about a kinder future in science. I see a commitment in the open science community to bridging the gaps where we’ve left members of our community behind, and it inspires me.
Ileana Fenwick
University of North Carolina, Openscapes
Pick up where we left off:
Source code for these slides: github.com/mine-cetinkaya-rundel/hello-quarto-bioc
Quarto documentation: quarto.org
Video: Openscapes: Hello Quarto with NASA Openscapes, RLadies Santa Barbara, and JJ Allaire
Quarto gallery: quarto.org/docs/gallery
Quarto tip a day: rstd.io/quartotip