Hello Quarto

share • collaborate • teach • reimagine

mine çetinkaya-rundel
julia stewart lowndes


artwork by allison horst

Hello, Quarto?

Quarto unifies and extends
the R Markdown ecosystem

Quarto unifies and extends
the R Markdown ecosystem

unifies for people who love R Markdown

extends for people who don’t know R Markdown

Quarto is a new, open-source,
scientific and technical
publishing system

Quarto is a new, open-source,
scientific and technical
publishing system

the goal is to make the process of creating
and collaborating dramatically better

A schematic representing the multi-language input (e.g. Python, R, Observable, Julia) and multi-format output (e.g. PDF, html, Word documents, and more) versatility of Quarto.

Quarto logo with two quadrants labelled as Share and Teach with a blue penguin next to it.

Quarto logo with two quadrants labelled as Collaborate and Reimagine with an orange penguin next to it.

Quarto logo with all fouur quadrants labelled as Share, Collaborate, Teach, and Reimagine.


A Venn diagram with three circles -- education, research, and development. At the intersection is a blue heart with the word compassion.

Penguin with nametag that says "Mine"

The R Markdown ecosystem

Hex logos for various packages from the R Markdown ecosystem.

Quarto: Next generation R Markdown

Quarto logo.

Quarto highlights

One quadrant of the Quarto logo. Consistent implementation of attractive and handy features across outputs: tabsets, code-folding, syntax highlighting, etc.

Two quadrants of the Quarto logo. More accessible defaults as well as better support for accessibility

Three quadrants of the Quarto logo. Guardrails, particularly helpful for new learners: YAML completion, informative syntax errors, etc.

Four quadrants of the Quarto logo. Support for other languages like Python, Julia, Observable, and more via Jupyter engine for executable code chunks.

Quarto CLI orchestrates
each step of rendering

A schematic representing rendering of Quarto documents from .qmd, to knitr or jupyter, to plain text markdown, then converted by pandoc into any number of output types including html, PDF, or Word document.

Quarto makes moving between formats straightforward



title: "Lesson 1"
format: html



title: "Lesson 1"
format: revealjs



  type: website

      - lesson-1.qmd

Quarto facilitates open sharing

Tooling that makes it easy to share what you do
with the world on the web is incredibly useful

It’s useful not just to you, but to the world
as it facilitates open sharing of knowledge
for learning and for reuse


Penguin with nametag that says "Julie"

“As fisheries scientists, we know that when we’re in rough seas, it’s important to keep the ship afloat AND get out of the storm. Openscapes helps teams steer out of the storm of email chains with 37 versions of the same spreadsheet and to the calmer waters of open science and meaningful collaboration, using tools like R”

Adyan Rios
NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center

NASA circular logo Openscapes logo

Develop a mentor community across
NASA Earth science data centers

Co-create and teach common tutorials
to support researchers as they migrate analytical workflows to the Cloud

logos of five NASA Earth science data centers: LP DAAC, NSIDC, PO.DAAC, ASDC, GES DISC, and IMPACT

Screenshot of smiling faces on Zoom

Many Earth scientists
use Python

Screenshot of Quarto site for a NASA hackathon learning event

Screenshot of Quarto site for a NASA workshop learning event

Screenshot of Quarto site for a NASA workshop learning event

Screenshot of Quarto site for a NASA Cloud Cookbook

Screenshot of Quarto slides a NASA conference talk

Quarto enables collaborating
across coding languages


  - section: in-development/index.qmd
      - in-development/earthdata-access-demo.ipynb
      - in-development/nsidc/icesat2-cmr-onprem-vs-cloud.ipynb
      - in-development/lpdaac/lpdaac_ecostress_lste_kerchunk.ipynb
      - in-development/matlab-aws.qmd
      - in-development/earthdata-python-r-handoff.rmd  
  - section: contributing/onboarding.qmd
      - contributing/quarto-website-tutorial.md

Quarto enables contributing
from our current tools

Screenshot of RStudio IDE

Screenshot of Jupyter Lab

Screenshot of GitHub IDE

Screenshot of VS Code IDE


Art Historical

Holland Stam

Art History +
Visual and Media Studies

Class of 2022

Duke University

Holland working at a table in the Broadhead Center, measuring an entry with a ruler.

Art Historical

Holland Stam

Art History +
Visual and Media Studies

Class of 2022

Duke University

with Sara Lemus Hex logo for the package arthistory.

Holland working at a table in the Broadhead Center, measuring an entry with a ruler.

Quarto flattens the learning curve

A schematic showing many qmd files, going through Quarto, to generate an HTML, PDF, or Word document or more. The Quarto logo is depicted as a baseball a penguin is spinning.

Quarto can grow with learners in a profound way

A schematic showing many computing languages (R, Python, Julia, Observable, and more) going into many single qmd files, going through Quarto, to generate an HTML, PDF, or Word document or more. The Quarto logo is depicted as a baseball a penguin is spinning.


To address our climate emergency, we must rapidly, radically reshape society. We need every solution and every solver.

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine Wilkinson
All We Can Save

Because of Openscapes, I have renewed hope in how we can bring about a kinder future in science. I see a commitment in the open science community to bridging the gaps where we’ve left members of our community behind, and it inspires me.

Ileana Fenwick
University of North Carolina, Openscapes

Culture shifts:
technical + human

Screenshot of a Quarto site that is a lab manual of shared practices

Screenshot of a Quarto site that is a lab manual of shared practices

1. Make the implicit explicit

2. Onboard learners as contributors

3. Psychological safety & growth mindset

Screenshot of a Quarto site that is a guide of the Openscapes Approach

Screenshot of a Quarto site that is community building and teaching platform for NOAA Fisheries

Quarto enables collaborating
across coding comfort levels

RStudio IDE

We all can enable reimagining

“We” speaks to the collective, to collaboration, to community, to the relational work at hand. Addressing the climate crisis…will take everyone.

We cannot, we must not, go it alone.

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine Wilkinson
All We Can Save


Thank you

Say hello to Quarto!

Two penguins. The orange one is holding the Quarto logo. The blue one is looking at the orange one.

Engage, empower, amplify with Openscapes

Earthrise by Amanda Gorman1

So, earth, pale blue dot
We will fail you not.

Just as we chose to go to the moon
We know it’s never too soon
To choose hope.
We choose to do more than cope
With climate change
We choose to end it—
We refuse to lose.
Together we do this and more
Not because it’s very easy or nice
But because it is necessary,
Because with every dawn we carry
the weight of the fate of this celestial body orbiting a star.
And as heavy as that weight sounded, it doesn’t hold us down,
But it keeps us grounded, steady, ready,
Because an environmental movement of this size
Is simply another form of an earthrise.

NASA, Apollo 8, 1968

Annotated Notes: Share

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel PhD https://mine-cr.com

Annotated Notes: Collaborate

Julia Stewart Lowndes PhD https://jules32.github.io



NASA Images


Demo: JupyterLab JupyterHub managed by 2i2c https://2i2c.org

Other Rey with Quarto, throwback to https://jules32.github.io/useR-2019-keynote

Annotated Notes: Teach

Annotated Notes: Reimagine

All We Can Save: https://www.allwecansave.earth

How to answer the Q of “What should I do to fight climate change?”
A: “What are you good at? Do that. Do that in the service of climate” - (ayanaeliza)

FayLab Manual

Quarto Mosaic

See also: 3 takeaways for planning for the year of open science

NASA images